Dermatology courses are becoming the cry of the decade. Find out all about courses in Dermatology here.

Dermatology Courses

Snowhite, with her fair, flawless skin and rosy red cheeks has captured the imagination of many over the years. All young girls grow up wishing for the same skin and young boys wish for maidens like her to be in distress so that they can play their part of knights in shiny armor. However, the flawless skin that we all want tends to quite evasive. The pollution around us, coupled up with our out of worldly eating habits, causes our skin to become flawed with violent outbursts of acne, rashes and other assorted allergies. This is where we tend to lose hope and fall miserably into the depths of disparity. Snowhite had her mother’s magic but what do we have? We have the dermatologists. They are our magicians to cure us all of our skin miseries. They may be called dermatologists by mortals, but for skin conscious people, they are just the alchemists. They touch skins and set them aglow like Snowhite’s. If you too aspire to become an alchemist for skin conscious people, then maybe this is one of those once-in-a-lifetime chance that you have. Read on pal!
Courses In Dermatology
Course Details
To become a practicing dermatologist, one has to pass through a series of qualifications. First of all, one must have done 10+2 in medical sciences. Post this, the individual would have to attend at least 3 years of medical school, learning the basic of human body and general surgical procedures. After the medical school is completed, the individual has to do the required time as an intern. Only after the internship is done can the individual join a dermatology residency to learn the basics of dermatology or a dermatology course, in order to get to the mainstream straightaway.
Details Of Course Curriculum
  • Understanding Human Skin
  • Common Skin Infections
  • Itchy Skin and Eczema
  • Allergies at Home and at Work
  • Psoriasis
  • Lumps and Bumps – Harmless & Cancerous
  • Pigmentation Basics
  • Blistering Diseases
  • Other Inflammatory Skin Diseases including Lichen Planus
  • Drug Reactions
  • Body Parts connected to skin: Oral, Ocular and Aural
  • Genital Dermatology
  • Special problems in Children
  • Healing Wounds
  • Skin and Systemic Disease
  • Sunshine and Skin
  • Uncommon Infections
  • Surgical Solutions and Treatments
  • Cosmetic Dermatology and Non-Invasive Treatments
  • Practical Dermatology
  • Clinical Dermatology
  • Clinical Dermatology
Skills Required
The skills required for doing a dermatology course are not different from the skills required for other medical courses. One should have a natural flair for biology and a general level of care and concern for people around. Although dermatology is not exactly social service and pays extremely well, a certain degree of selflessness is always appreciated. Following are a few of the skills that a dermatologist must have:
  • Empathy & Understanding
  • Inquisitiveness
  • Public Interest
  • Rational approach
  • Receptiveness
  • Imagination
  • Ability to handle pressure
  • Diligence
  • Patience
  • Determination
  • Detail Orientation
  • Decisiveness
  • Humility
  • Marketing Skills
Career Prospects
Dermatology is in huge demand these days. People are increasingly becoming skin-conscious and realising the importance of professional help as against the home remedies. This has created a huge scope for skin specialists around the globe. Not only do the dermatologists get hired at multi-speciality hospitals, they also get freelancing offers from various other hospitals from time to time. Opening own clinic in this domain is not seen as a fruitful option everywhere across the globe, but in the western countries it works extremely well. Every beauty pageant hires an army of dermatologists. But the scope of this field lies majorly in the fact that there is a huge dearth of people in it. And with skin-awareness on an incline, this dearth is being felt stronger than ever. If the last two decades belonged to physicians, the next two belong to the skin alchemists called the dermatologists.
Best Schools
Some of the best courses offered in dermatology, globally, are from the following colleges:
  • University of Edinburgh, UK
  • University of Nottingham, UK
  • National University of Singapore, Malaysia
  • King's College London, University of London, UK
  • Boston University, US
  • Cardiff University, UK

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